New Update! 3/9/2019

Hey everyone, I've posted Patch 2_1 here on the downloads page. It's in rar,zip and installer. I'll upload the version for MAC as well.

If you are curious about what happens next, I've posted Patch 2_2 on my patreon.

Here are a few words for Patch 2_2:

SPOILERS ahead so if you care about that please skip this for now.

The patch is mainly focused around Beth, Keara and Stacy. I had to focus a bit more on Keara because I realized she has her route tangling up with Beth’s in one of the upcoming patches so I had to further your relationship with her asap.

There’s also an event I’m introducing with hypnotoad. It’ll be a character that’ll appear randomly in the game, you’ll have to find him in the world to trigger it but you’ll get events focused around the hypno fetish.


  1. this is some TOP NOTCH SHIT my guy keep these patches coming.

  2. Love the game! just wondering how long until Patch 2_2 is public? Also keep up the insane work mate!


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